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A Red, White, and Blue Pollinator Garden

This activity is the first of a 5-part resource featuring New Jersey native plants and animals in a spectacular array of red, white, and blue hues. This resource has a focus on trees. It’s a perfect time to investigate NJ native trees that showcase their reds, whites, and blues throughout the year. See how many you can spot now in your local green spaces, parks, or yards, and then keep an eye out for when they splash their colors.

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Ecosystems , Wildlife

Jul 4, 2023

This activity is the first of a 5-part resource featuring New Jersey native plants and animals in a spectacular array of red, white, and blue hues. This resource has a focus on pollinator plant parts.

It’s a perfect time to investigate NJ native plants that showcase their reds, whites, and blues throughout the year. See how many you can spot now in your local green spaces, parks, or yards, and then keep an eye out for when they splash their colors.

Download the PDF here.

This resource was a collaborative effort on behalf of the Duke Farms Education team.

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Tags: Ecosystems , Wildlife

July 4, 2023