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Climate Change

Sustainability September: Climate Change

Did you know that New Jersey is the first state in the country to establish mandatory learning standards addressing climate change? At Duke Farms, we're eager to provide resources that empower both formal and informal educators to be a part of this awesome forward momentum. No matter what grade, subject, or setting you teach in, whether you're a teacher, nonformal educator, parent, or caregiver, if you're looking for activities to do with learners, you have the power to strengthen the upcoming generation’s understanding of and ability to diminish the effects of climate change. This resource contains lesson plans ideas, informational text, links, and book recommendations (both from just a few external sources and those created by Duke Farms) designed to assist you on your educational journey. 

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Climate Change

Sep 6, 2022

“We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.”

 Foreword, A Sand County Almanac

Sustainability September will highlight how Duke Farms serves as a model of environmental stewardship and ways that you can infuse practices in your home, community, and workplace that encourage a cleaner greener life for generations to come while also combating climate change.

Did you know that New Jersey is the first state in the country to establish mandatory learning standards addressing climate change? At Duke Farms, we're eager to provide resources that empower both formal and informal educators to be a part of this awesome forward momentum. No matter what grade, subject, or setting you teach in, whether you're a teacher, nonformal educator, parent, or caregiver, if you're looking for activities to do with learners, you have the power to strengthen the upcoming generation’s understanding of and ability to diminish the effects of climate change. This resource contains lesson plans ideas, informational text, links, and book recommendations (both from just a few external sources and those created by Duke Farms) designed to assist you on your educational journey.

Download the full PDF here.

This resource was created by Von Scully and Kate Reilly.

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Tags: Climate Change

September 6, 2022