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wooden compost bin filled with fruits and vegetables


An Experiment in At-Home Composting: Part 1

Continuing our series on composting at home, this resource explores a hot/active composting method through an open bin system - just one of the ways to compost at home easily and effectively. This resource guides learners through the different materials and designs you can implement for your open bin system, including wood, wire mesh, straw, and even cinder blocks. Who knew you could use so many different types of mediums to compost?

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Jul 6, 2022

Continuing our series on composting at home, this resource explores a hot/active composting method through an open bin system - just one of the ways to compost at home easily and effectively. This resource guides learners through the different materials and designs you can implement for your open bin system, including wood, wire mesh, straw, and even cinder blocks. Who knew you could use so many different types of mediums to compost?

Download PDF here.

This resource was created by Sara DiVito.

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Tags: Sustainability

July 6, 2022