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An Experiment in At-Home Composting: Part 3

Continuing our series on composting, this week we check out the hot/active method of composting through an open bin system and what that looks like after around 2 weeks. Learners will explore how organic matter can remain undecomposed for days, weeks, or even months - fret not, nothing is wrong. But what can be done to quicken the decomposition process? 

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Jul 6, 2022

Continuing our series on composting, this week we check out the hot/active method of composting through an open bin system and what that looks like after around 2 weeks. Learners will explore how organic matter can remain undecomposed for days, weeks, or even months - fret not, nothing is wrong. But what can be done to quicken the decomposition process? 

Download the full PDF here.

This resource was created by Sara DiVito.

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Tags: Sustainability

July 6, 2022