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A male, bright red cardinal perched on a branch.


Bird of the Week 3: Northern Cardinal

Watch our cardinal skull tour to learn more about this common passerine bird, like the origin behind its name, what kind of food it eats, and how its skull structure plays into its diet. Then read about cardinals and use your knowledge from both the video and reading the complete the worksheets. 

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Aug 1, 2023

Ever notice a small red blur dashing from branch to branch? Most likely, what you're seeing is a northern cardinal. The male is unmistakable with his fire-engine red feathers and pointed crest, black face mask, black bib, and bright pink bill. The female also has a crest, but she is mostly brown with hints of red in her crest, chest, back, and tail. 

If you're from around the NJ area, chances are that you've spotted a cardinal. But do you know the bird beyond its color?
Watch our cardinal skull tour to learn more about this common passerine bird, like the origin behind its name, what kind of food it eats, and how its skull structure plays into its diet. Then read about cardinals and use your knowledge from both the video and reading the complete the worksheets. 

Download the worksheet PDF here.

This resource was created by Von Scully, Joanne Vogel, and Kate Reilly.

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Tags: Wildlife

August 1, 2023