Fall/Winter Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 8:30AM-4:30PM.

The Orientation Center and Cafe are open Thursdays – Saturdays, unless stated otherwise.

The last day the cafe will be open is Friday, December 13th. It will reopen on January 3rd.

The property is closed to the public on Sundays and Mondays.


Duke Farms
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Exploring the Wonders of Wetlands

Wetlands are a unique habitat, meet some of the resident flora and fauna that call wetlands home. Learn what...
Fri, May 10, 5:30 PM
Duke Farms  •  Hillsborough, NJ

About This Event

Wetlands are a unique habitat, meet some of the resident flora and fauna that call wetlands home.

Learn what wetlands are, what flora and fauna live in them, and how they adapt to this environment. Participants will also learn about the restored and constructed wetlands at Duke Farms. Expect to walk through the NRCS wetlands near the Farm Barn Orientation Center, while no waders are needed, bring shoes that you don’t mind getting potentially muddy.

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