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Eagle Cam

Get to Know Our Eagles ft. Jim Wright

Duke Farms’ eagles may have connected more students with nature over the past decade than all the literature on the scientific bookshelf. Jim Wright As you may know, one of […]

Written by:

Nora DiChiara


Ecosystems , Wildlife

Jan 16, 2019

Duke Farms' eagles may have connected more students with nature over the past decade than all the literature on the scientific bookshelf.

Jim Wright

As you may know, one of the brightest highlights of Duke Farms is the Eagle Cam, which quietly illuminates us with the intricacies of life as a Bald eagle. From youth to seniors, educators, students, lifelong learners, professional to citizen scientists, many have tuned in or at least heard of the local winged celebrities. Not only are these birds beautiful to witness, but being able to see their daily activity teaches us about their role in the ecosystem and how their lives bring value to our local wildlife diversity. 

Jim Wright, blogger, author, and writer for "The Bird Watcher" column shared this gorgeous e-book with us, Duke Farms' Bald Eagles. A note from Jim's blog, The Celery Farm & Beyond:

"Three years ago, I did an e-book about Bald Eagles for Duke Farms and the Conserve Wildlife Foundation, and I am pleased to announce that it's back online. One of the many cool things about the e-book is you can go any chapter quickly by just clicking it on the contents page.

The e-book was designed by Mimi Sabatino and includes a ton of information about Duke Farms' Bald Eagles as well as the Bald Eagle's amazing comeback in New Jersey and beyond -- plus plenty of excellent links. Also featured: Some great photography by Kevin Watson. If your electronic device's "volume control" is on, you can even hear the digital pages turn."

Jim's e-book makes a great companion resource to the Eagle Cam.

Written by:

Nora DiChiara

Tags: Ecosystems , Wildlife

January 16, 2019